'Focus on Fish'
Oscar the Osprey
My Focus on Fish videos are modeled after Oscars' hunting objectives--stay laser focused on the underwater world of fish, learn where to find them, and maximize your efforts.
As a former freediving, spearfishing champion, I know how to get incredibly close to fish in an unobtrusive manner. As an underwater cinematographer this allows me to capture breathtaking videos and photographs of game fish in their natural habitat.
As an obsessive fisherman, I know what anglers want to see in videos...they want to know where to find fish, when are the best times to fish, what lures and flies are the most effective, and how do you fish them.
You'll find links to a number of free videos that offer a glimpse into the underwater world of game fish and I will be releasing full length video documentaries that offer much greater detail in stunning high definition. Visit my Vimeo Channel and enter the underwater realm of striped bass, fluke, tautog, black sea bass, sharks, and the critically important bait fish they eat.
The only place you'll see more fish is in your dreams.
--Mike Laptew